蒜泥白肉 Pork Slices with Chipped Garlic
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蒜泥白肉 Pork Slices with Chipped Garlic Szechwan; Serves 6

1 lb. Fresh Ham (fatty)

1 T. cooking wine or sherry

1 green onion

2 slices ginger root

6 garlic cloves

3 T. soy sauce

1 1/2 t. each: sugar, white vinegar

1 1/2 T. hot chili oil


① Clean the ham and place it in a deep pot.  Add water to cover; add ①.  Cover and bring to a boil.  Turn the heat to low and cook for 30 minutes.  Remove the ham and cut it into paper thin slices.  Before serving, blanch the slices of ham in boiling water then arrange them on a serving plate.

②   Mash the garlic and put it in a bowl; add ② and mix.  Pour this mixture over the ham slices.  Serve.

Fig.1 Cut the cucumber lengthwise into thin slices.

Fig 2 Soak the cucumber in cold water for 10 minutes. Remove and put on a plate. Serve with “Pork Slices with Chopped Garlic”.




豬夾心肉  ……………   300公克    蔥           ……………   2支

薑             ……………   3片


蒜泥         …………… 2大匙    醬油膏    ……………     2大匙

鹽             ……………  少許         味精    ……………    少許

冷高湯         ……………   1大匙        辣油    ……………  1/2大匙

香菜           ……………   少許


1. 豬肉去皮,整理乾淨,整塊入鍋與葱、薑同煮,約3O分鐘後用筷子試插,如不見血水即可取出,待冷透切5公分見方薄片。

2.  肉片置於漏勺中,入熱水川燙一次,撈出瀝乾,排在大盤中。

3.  調味料調勻,淋在肉片上,香菜切碎置於其上,即可上桌供食。


四川紅油是一絕,製造方法並不容易。大蔥頭晾乾和老薑皮、辣椒粉一起用植物油煎熬,大蔥頭、老薑皮、辣椒粉的比例約是5O :1:16,待油溫熱即放下蔥花、薑末。油溫需要小心控制,不可使油滾熱,將1大匙花椒粉裝在漏勺內,用湯勺舀起溫油沖過花椒粉,等溫油全部舀起沖過花椒粉,再換1大匙研碎的芝麻粉放在漏勺內,同樣舀起油沖過芝麻粉。經過這兩道手續,才稱得上是道地的四川紅油。



;font-family:MingLiU; mso-bidi-font-family:MingLiU;mso-fareast-language:ZH-TW'>2.怪味醬中酸、鹹、麻、辣、香、甜等數味俱全,不但不怪反而爽口下飯,夏天吃時可當冷盤菜.